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The No. 1 hand grenade was used by British and Commonwealth troops during World War One and was first introduced into service in July 1908.
A Scottish officers’ sword which was presented to Maori Chief, Ropata Wahawaha by Queen Victoria during the New Zealand Wars.
This 9mm calibre German Lugar pistol was taken from a German Fallschirmjager (paratrooper) on Crete by Major-General Sir Howard Kippenberger.
This wrist compass was used by U.S. airborne forces, like those depicted in the classic Band of Brothers television series.
This WWII Pro-kit is an unusual issue item to protect soldiers from venereal disease, and include ointment, cloth, and a cleansing tissue.
A remarkable shipping trunk, used by one of New Zealand’s nurses during World War I, in both Egypt and England.
A leather bound paybook owned by Corporal Alexander Brodie of the Corps of Royal Engineers during the New Zealand Wars.
This bandage was part of an Army medic’s kit on duty at Christchurch’s CTV building following the devastating earthquake on 22 February, 2011.
When Japan entered World War II, one of the immediate effects was the increased threat level to New Zealand – no longer were we at the “utmost ends of the world” – our country was now a front line target. With so many Kiwi men still serving with the military in Europe, the Women’s Army…